Amidst the chaos of the infamous 1864 siege of Ōrākau in the Waikato, two rangatahi must seize command of their destinies, and fight for their freedom. Facing insurmountable odds, Māori defiantly stand their ground against the relentless advance of colonial forces in a struggle for sovereignty.
Presented in te reo Māori, this ambitious historical drama tells the story of a pivotal moment in the New Zealand land wars from a Māori perspective. Alongside seasoned actors Temuera Morrison, Cliff Curtis and Brit Jason Flemyng, the lead roles are played by newcomers Paku Fernandez and Hinerangi Harawira-Nicholas.
Directed by:
Michael Jonathan
Screenplay by:
Tim Worrall
Produced by:
Piripi Curtis
Thomas Toby Parkinson
Executive produced by:
Christina Milligan
Yangiu Qian
Simon Barnes
Funded by the NZ Film Commission’s He Pounamu Te Reo Māori Feature Film Initiative for feature films in te reo Māori, as well as Te Māngai Pāho, NZ On Air and Kiwibank