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DECEMBER 11 2024

Entering the world of VFX straight out of university can be as exciting as it is challenging. At Cause and FX, we’ve welcomed many talented grads onto our team, and we know the journey can be a whirlwind of learning, creativity, and growth.

Our approach is a little bit different. We run a buddy system with all our new graduates, helping all newcomers to find their feet and get confident, with the support of a peer at their side.

To help you make the leap from grad to workplace, our team has pulled together some top tips that we wish we’d known when we started.

1. Master the Fundamentals

“Technical skills are extremely important to have,” says Daniel Saliem, a recent grad and new team member here at CFX. “One thing I’ve noticed is that while students often focus on creativity, it’s equally important to have a solid grip on the technical side of things.”

As Carl Mellgren, our Lead Compositor, puts it: “Keep it simple. New starters often try flashy techniques that can lead you down a rabbit hole. Focus on simple solutions first, and you’ll know when you need to dive deeper.” Mastering the basics of software lays a strong foundation and helps you stand out in the industry.

2. Keep Learning and Stay Curious

Curiosity goes a long way in the VFX industry. “There’s always something new to learn,” shares Talitha Marisa, who joined us as a fresh grad back in 2021. “Don’t be afraid to be proactive and ask questions—there are endless ways to achieve the same result.”

And with tutorials and resources readily available online, Carl advises, “Stay up to date with new tools and be eager to jump on anything that might give you an edge.” The industry evolves rapidly, so a willingness to learn and adapt is essential for growth.

3. Embrace Collaboration

“Communication is key,” Daniel explains. “In VFX, we always need to communicate to make sure everything goes smoothly for projects. Don’t be afraid to raise any concerns!” Working well with others is critical, especially in a tight-knit environment like CFX, where each project is a team effort.

“Don’t forget that you’ll be part of a team,” adds Carl. “Ask questions and help others when you can. Building connections and trust is crucial.” Networking and building relationships will not only make your day-to-day work more enjoyable but can also open doors down the road.

4. Create a Showreel That Pops

Your showreel is your calling card. As Carl says, “Put your most impressive stuff first, and if you can do breakdowns—even better!” Potential employers want to see your best work right away, so make sure it’s polished, purposeful, and showcases your range. “Don’t forget to add personal projects too,” he adds. “It’s refreshing to see non-university work, as it shows your passion for the industry.”

5. Take Care of Yourself and Have Fun

The VFX industry can be fast-paced and demanding, so looking after yourself is essential. “Don’t be too hard on yourself if you make mistakes,” says Talitha. “It’s the best way to learn. Remember to be kind to yourself and others.”

Taking time to recharge—whether through hobbies, exercise, or spending time with friends and family—keeps you balanced and motivated. Talitha suggests “Going for a run, or just treating yourself to a movie, make sure you have fun outside of work too.”

6. Understand Contractor vs. Employment

One of the big decisions in the VFX industry is choosing between contractor work and employment. Talitha offers valuable advice: ” Do your research on what contract fits you the best – contractor or an employee? Figure out the pros and cons, and be prepared for what documents you might need every financial year—such as applying for GST, handling ACC bills, and sorting out tax refunds.” This insight can help you make a choice that aligns with your career goals and lifestyle.

Final Thought: Enjoy the Ride

And finally, as Carl reminds us, “We’re in the entertainment industry. Sometimes it can be easy to forget, but we’re here to create something cool—so enjoy it!”

At Cause and FX, we love what we do, and we hope you’ll find the same passion and excitement as you move from graduate to industry side.

Want to know more about our team or work with us? Get in touch, and let’s create something incredible together!

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